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Present situation and future development direction of China sheet metal industry

Sheet metal processing usually refers to a comprehensive cold process for steel sheets less than 6 mm, including shearing, punching, cutting, composite, folding, welding, riveting, splicing, forming (such as automobile body), etc. The notable feature is the thickness difference of the same part. Zhang Jun, Secretary General of China sheet metal association, said that the sheet metal processing industry is closely related to people's daily life. Although sheet metal accounts for only 20-30% of the metal processing, almost all manufacturing industries are associated with sheet metal processing. According to statistics, China's sheet metal processing industry has more than 30,000 manufacturers, more than 1.8 million employees, more than 40 million tons of annual consumption of sheet metal, sales of a total of 500 billion yuan.

The sheet metal processing industry is of great importance to the promotion of China's machinery manufacturing industry, communications and electronics industry, automobile and shipbuilding industries,with the gradual rise of these industries in China, the rapid development of sheet metal processing industry has also been promoted. At present, China has presented a sheet metal industry cluster in areas with rapid economic development or prosperous manufacturing industries. In Shenzhen in the Pearl River Delta, Suzhou in the Yangtze River Delta and Cangzhou in the Bohai Rim Economic Zone, there are dozens or even hundreds of industrial clusters,once formed a local industry chain. The presentation of the sheet metal industry is mainly to provide supporting processing services for machinery manufacturers at home and abroad. Domestic and foreign machinery manufacturing enterprises have cultivated the sheet metal processing industry, and the sheet metal processing industry has promoted the rapid development of machinery manufacturing enterprises.

Zhang Jun, Secretary General of the China Sheet Metal Association, said that China, as a world processing and manufacturing center, has absorbed a large number of foreign capital investment. As sheet metal parts are widely used, some excellent international sheet metal enterprises have entered China, such as Japan's Tiantian Corporation and Murata Machinery Corporation. The United States Macquarie, New Asia Group, TRUMPF group and capacity company in Germany, etc. These enterprises have better technological and capital advantages, and enjoy a higher market share in the domestic sheet metal processing market. Compared with the international superior enterprises, there is still a certain gap between the Chinese sheet metal manufacturers. At present, most of the domestic ordinary sheet metal manufacturers adopt domestic equipment, which has low automation rate and low efficiency, processing also has technical bottleneck, so at the low level of the industry. But after years of development, China has nurtured a large number of sheet metal manufacturers with good prospects, such as Foxconn Group, Sheng Ming Group, Jinfeng Stock and Gu Song Group in Taiwan; Hong Kong's Ridong Technology; Mainland's Dongshan Fine, Conghua Sheet Metal, Renda Group, ZTE, Haili Meida, etc. At the same time, as China's sheet metal processing market expands from time to time, the development of industry enterprises will show signs of polarization in the future, vulnerable enterprises are eliminated in the fierce competition, and some superior brand enterprises will be further developed.


Zhang jun, secretary general of China sheet metal association, said that currently China's sheet metal processing industry has a relatively fast technology development, and it is a technology-based and capital-intensive labor industry, as domestic base industry, sheet metal processing industry is developing along with the continuous development of economy. At present, China's manufacturing industry is in the transformation period of structural adjustment and industrial upgrading. Domestic manual sheet metal manufacturers will gradually withdraw from the market, and replaced by stamping sheet metal and numerical control sheet metal process will be well developed. As well-known multinational enterprises in the global manufacturing industry have come to China to carry out business, China's position as the world's manufacturing center and consumer power has become increasingly prominent. With the continuous progress of technology and economic development, the demand for sheet metal fabrication parts in various fields will increase from time to time. In the next five years, the industry will continue to maintain the growth rate of 10%-15%, and the industry will have broad prospects.


Better industry prospects exacerbate the industry competition. This report applies forward-looking information to track and collect information about the sheet metal processing industry for a long time, and provides a comprehensive and accurate analysis system for you from the overall height of the industry. Based on the macro motivation of the current sheet metal processing industry and the structural trend of the sheet metal processing industry, the report analyzes in detail the current market situation, development speed and competition situation of the sheet metal processing industry.


The report mainly analyzes the background environment of the sheet metal processing industry in China, the development outline of the upstream and downstream industry of the sheet metal processing industry, the development status of the sheet metal processing industry. Development status of main subdivision fields in sheet metal processing industry; Analysis of international competitiveness of Chinese sheet metal manufacturers; Key areas of sheet metal processing industry analysis; Operation of leading manufacturers in sheet metal processing industry, market demand and forecast of sheet metal processing industry, investment timing and risk analysis of sheet metal processing industry.

The biggest feature of this report is foresight and timeliness. Based on the prospective analysis of a large number of first-hand market research materials, the report profoundly and objectively analyzes the current development situation of sheet metal processing industry and manufacturers in China. Based on the development track of sheet metal processing industry and years of theoretical experience, the future development trend of sheet metal processing industry is carefully analyzed and predicted. It is a rare product for sheet metal manufacturers to accurately understand the latest development of the sheet metal processing industry, accurately grasp the market opportunity, make correct planning decisions and determine the direction of enterprise development. It is also the first heavyweight report on the comprehensive analysis of the overall development of sheet metal processing industry and key manufacturers.


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