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Looking for suppliers in China, choosing trading companies or manufacturer?

1.Q: When dealing with customers, should I tell them I'm a trader for the first time? because many customers care about this, they are more willing to work with manufacturers, but in fact, traders can provide good services. When telling customers I'm a factory, many customers say that Chinese suppliers like to say they're factories, but in fact it's just traders. I had to provide many proofs to make me look more reliable. German Fesco trading company CEO Frank: this question is very sensitive and important. I buy products from many Chinese suppliers, two of them are trading companies. Why do customers refuse to purchase from trading companies?  because they do not want to pay commission. Second, they believe that factories can better control production, quality and delivery time.


2. Q: As a trading company, what is the best place for me to impress buyers? Frank, CEO of German Fesco Trading Company: In Europe, I'm also a trader, and trading companies have important value in Europe. As a trading company, financial convenience is the best service you can provide. Three months is very normal, 180 days of credit is also very common. If I can't provide loans, I can't do business. In addition, MOQ is very important, but many factories have set up very high MOQ. As a trader, you should also have a variety of product options (BROARD RANGE OF PRODUCTS), strict and authentic quality control, etc. Factories like "one product, at least one container, and pay at once".


3.Q: I come from a small trading company in China. What kind of products do I have to choose for selling? German Fesco trading company CEO Frank: This is a serious question, the question you care about I care about too. The homogenization of European products is also very serious, just like China, and many Chinese suppliers have no idea about it. Many people think the basic product with no special features will sell well in Europe; in fact, competition in Europe is fierce too. As a trading company, you have to look for products that are innovative, Innovation means at least your prices will be more flexible, if your product is too simple and the margins are low, it's hard to have room in Europe.


4. Q: We are a trading company with no factories of our own and it seems that buyers don't like us, what shall I do? Frank, CEO of Fesco trading, Germany: I will not choose him simply because he is not a factory. Your problem may be that you don't present yourself well, and you don't really emphasis what your strengths are in your offer. Compared with the factory, your service is good and you have other advantages. The Chinese trading company I work with provides me with excellent services, such as minimum order quantity. Trading companies also have very strong warehousing services. My time is precious, so I am willing to pay more for quick and efficient delivery.


5. Q: in the eyes of buyers, are factories more advantageous than foreign trade companies?  Canadian purchasing manager Sophia: it depends. Mainly depends on three aspects: 1) Price: sometimes, the factory's quotation is more competitive. The advantage of foreign trade company is that it can integrate the order quantity of half a year or a year and place it to a factory at one time, so as to obtain a lower price. They then split up the cargo and distribute it to each customer. 2) Quality: the factory can control product quality in the first time. And the foreign trade company should thoroughly implement the stricter product control system, ensure the product quality to achieve the world-class level. 3) Communication skills: in this regard, most factories are in a weak position. The factory usually does not have professional foreign trade personnel, especially in China, or does not know the buyer's behavior and cultural background, As foreign trade companies have accumulated rich experience, their understanding ability and foreign trade process operation ability are better than factories, and their connections with foreign investors will be closer.


6. Q: As a buyer, would you like to place orders to a small Chinese factory like ours?  Sophia, Canadian purchasing manager: so you should tell me, why I buy from you, why don't I buy from big suppliers but from small ones? Small vendors can be more creative, and you have to be specific, such as very accurate delivery, process checks, etc. To attend the exhibition, you should bring well-crafted materials and excellent English translators, and then bring the buyers to the factory to visit, which is what you can do. The decision to buy is not in you, but in the buyer. Some buyers do want to cooperate with small suppliers, for example, they may want to purchase different products, or they may want to find the right company for joint ventures, there are various possible reasons. But no matter big company or small company, we must ensure that there are excellent foreign trade personnel in English.


7. Question: We are a Chinese trading company. We sold our products to buyers. At that time, the factory said that the warranty was only 2 years, but the product went wrong in about 1 year. Who should be responsible for it? Marco, General Manager of Swiss Promotional Gift Purchasing Company (Shanghai): In the course of service, confirm with the factory what is guaranteed and what is not guaranteed. Write in the contract. Tell buyers what you can provide and what you will not provide. In quality assurance contracts, pay attention to details and clarify responsibilities. Do not give too much ground, do not ask too much, just seek truth from facts. We often see Chinese suppliers promising everything to in order get orders, making too many concessions and not being able to fulfill their promises afterwards.


8. Q: Europeans are also starting to pay attention to price. Although our quality is good, buyers will go directly to the factory. Customer service is important. How can we justify our service? The example of Jack (supplier Jack actively communicated with the buyer to solve the problem after it occurred) is that he proved to the buyer that they have good service when something happened. But how can I prove my service without incident?  Marco: first of all, you have to be very professional. Prices have always been important, and the economic crisis has made them even more important, Provide customers with a variety of choices, tell them the difference between price and quality, and tell them how different products will lead to different results. In addition, timely reply, professional email, keep friendly, find good shipping cooperation, ensure on time shipping period, do not send attachments casually, so as not to lose, and so on. And promise when it's time to promise, make customers feel different from everyone else. Price is really important, you try to give a reasonable price, everything is done, even if he left today, tomorrow may look for you, not this year, may look for you next year. This is often the case in Europe.


9. Q: The southern European market is target market for many Chinese companies, but many buyers do not speak English. Can we go to a British trading company and export products to southern Europe through the UK?  Dominic: English is the native language of the United Kingdom, and it is true that the expansion of the United Kingdom in foreign trade is easier. But communication is also difficult for British going to Spain and Germany. In Spain, few people speak English, but in France, it is much harder to find English speaker. It is also recommended that you look for local trading companies, such as the Spanish market, to find Spanish trading companies. Otherwise, if you look for a British trading company, although the communication can be smooth, they do not have orders in Spain on hand, and you have the same difficulties to develop the surrounding market.


10. Q: When you choose suppliers in China, are the quotations the most important factor in the evaluation? Sophia, Canada Purchasing Manager: In international trade, any factor can be attributed to competitive advantage. Every buyer wants to buy cheap and good products. When the price is right and the quality is good, the buyers will consider freight or after sales service. Expecting products to have "Italian design, German quality, Chinese price" is absolutely a joke. But over the years, "Made in China" has also made considerable progress. It is no longer synonymous with "low price, low quality".  Therefore, in the case of a substantial improvement in product quality, purchasers can also accept the price increase matched.

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