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Analysis on the status and development of sheet metal industry

Abstract: The output value of sheet metal industry in China is among the best in the world, constantly pushing the country change from big to strong in in the equipment manufacturing industry. This paper discusses the relevant situation of sheet metal technology in China, and makes a brief analysis of its current shortcomings and future development.

Key words: sheet metal, current, equipment

In recent years, with the continuous development of the socialist market economy, China has stepped into the ranks of the world manufacturing center and the big consumption country. The sheet metal industry, as the basic industry of manufacturing industry, has also made unprecedented development.  According to Luo Baihui, head of the international mould and hardware plastic industry supplier Association, there are about four million sheet metal production enterprises and about two million employees in China, the total annual production and sales volume can reach five hundred billion yuan, which is a huge achievement made by China's sheet metal industry. However, compared with developed countries, there are still some problems.

1.The current situation of sheet metal industry

China's sheet metal industry has been developing well in recent years. The development of China's manufacturing industry and the influx of many countries in the world have laid a basic environment for the development of the sheet metal industry, and the production capacity has been gradually improved. On the other hand, because of the relatively low precision requirements of the sheet metal industry , the high profits and the huge market demand, it also has become one of the conditions for its rapid development. However, compared with this gratifying situation, there are also places for continuous improvement.

1.1 Backwardness of raw materials and related technologies

In the present market, the quality of the steel products used in the market, such as fasteners, chains, springs, bearings and moulds, is poor in quality, and the varieties and specifications of the steel are uneven, but the production of mechanical basic parts is a lot of batch, the requirements of product specifications and production technology are relatively high, therefore, the quality of the stamping parts in China still needs to be improved. In foreign countries, most countries have higher requirements for equipment, and more efficient and high-precision machines, production lines or flexible lines are adopted to form an efficient automation production line. In contrast, the scale and capital of China's sheet metal enterprises cannot keep up with foreign enterprises, and the investment in equipment is relatively weak, and the advanced equipment system is not formed. The development space of enterprises is small, which will affect the quality of the final products.

1.2 The low degree of specialization, no scale, and the poor of economic efficiency.

China's reform and opening up period is not long, compared with the advanced capitalist market in developed countries. Compared with the main engine, the hardware press is less invested in the capital, therefore, with the continuous development and change of the socialist market economy, there are a lot of private enterprises with small production scale and little capital investment have been involved in the sheet metal industry in the market.  In general, these private enterprises are in big number but small in production batch, big product variety but low in specialization, both the quality of equipment purchased and products are low, and do not develop into a certain economic scale, and there is still a big gap from the development of the world sheet metal industry. According to the survey of China's sheet metal industry association, the total annual production of three major backbone enterprises in China's Electromechanical industry is less than half that of a well-known foreign enterprise. In the past two years, thousands of stamping plants have been built in some places of China, but only a few of them with an annual output of more than 300 thousand, and the main products are agricultural machinery.


1.3 Lack of capital investment and weak research and development strength

China's sheet metal manufacturing enterprises have introduced a number of advanced foreign technologies in 70 and 80s of twentieth Century, but they lack sufficient hardware and software input for digestion and absorption. Generally, in developed capitalist countries, the proportion of funds needed to introduce technology and digestion is about 1: 7, but our country is far behind this proportion, which leads to a big gap between technology research and management level and foreign countries in the later stage. In the fierce market competition, the technical force occupies an important position. Many foreign enterprises have a high degree of knowledge and great investment in capital and manpower. Technology R&D funds in most famous companies account for about 5% of sales, and some even reach as high as 10% in some key area. In contrast, China's technical research is mainly concentrated in the field of colleges and universities, although it has a high level of theory, it is not connected with the actual production and management.

2. Development trend of sheet metal industry

The current situation of the sheet metal industry is mixed. We must constantly improve the shortage in the industry. In the future, the development of the stamping and sheet metal industry in our country must conform to the concept of low carbon, environmental protection, energy saving, design, manufacture and consumption, to the precision, efficiency, specialization, standardization and globalization.

(1)Establishment and improvement of the quality system of China's sheet metal industry.The disadvantage of China's sheet metal industry lies in its backwardness in production equipment and manufacturing technology, and derailment at the international level. Therefore, the top priority of the sheet metal industry in China is to optimize the manufacturing process and production equipment, improve the automation, precision and specialization of product production so as to meet the needs of large quantities and flexible production.

(2)Improvement the management level of the enterprise. It is far not enough for an enterprise to have advanced equipment and manufacturing technology, it requires the managers to constantly improve the management level of the enterprise so as to make the enterprise run effective and high speed. It needs to strengthen management and auditing in the production, marketing, cost management and other links, to ensure the track of enterprise development, and to improve the efficiency and quality of enterprise management, thus indirectly to create more interests for enterprises and improve the comprehensive competitiveness of enterprises in the market.
(3)Pay attention to the construction of the talent team. Talent is the driving force of the sheet metal industry. On the one hand, enterprises need to introduce excellent high-quality talents at home and abroad; on the other hand, we should pay more attention to the reeducation and training of the employees who are already familiar with the operation of the enterprises, and constantly improve their awareness and ability to connect with the modern management technology. The lack of talent in the sheet metal industry has been the short board of its development. In the future industry development, each sheet metal enterprise must recognize this problem and invest a considerable amount of capital to the soft environment of the firm. Having high quality workers is the necessary condition for the upgrading and transformation of the sheet metal industry, and the introduction of talents and training of talents is the two way to improve the quality of the sheet metal enterprises. Therefore, the enterprises should attach great importance to the transformation of sheet metal technology and the training of related personnel in the process of development.
(4)Establish a sense of integrity, establish a good reputation of enterprises, strive for a hundred years of business. If any enterprise wants to survive for a long time, it must attach importance to the development of brand strategy. The current sheet metal industry in the United States has gradually transformed from production and operation enterprises to comprehensive service enterprises after a huge financial crisis,the implementation of the practical work is to improve the quality and scope of the service in all directions and levels, shorten the time to the customer problem to the shortest, and improve the customer satisfaction.

(5)Set up a global concept and connect with the world. The development of China's sheet metal industry must break through the current obstacles and make the supply and demand relationship gradually reasonable. At the same time, we should absorb the excellent management concept and management mode of foreign sheet metal enterprises, introduce international talents, understand the language culture and customs of other countries in the world, and gradually establish a sheet metal system with its own characteristics and advantages, so that promote more international cooperation

3. Conclusion

All in all, China's progress in the sheet metal industry is obvious, but the problem is still grim. Most enterprises are still in the low productivity of manual workshops, and they are in fierce competing on low-grade products. If we want to adapt to the needs of national economic construction and participate in international competition, China's sheet metal industry must avoid vicious competition and achieve differentiated production; the management personnel should go out and come in; the technology should be constantly updated and changed, and the existing technology and equipment should be improved, Only both the management and technology are up to the standard, then the quality of products can be ensure finally . We should establish and improve the quality assurance system, improve the manufacturing level of precision, specialization, automation and informatization, and create conditions for mass production and flexible production.

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