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The way of sheet metal green development

The Series of video-Under sky by Chajing, a former reporter of CCTV, has gained some serious attention. In the face of numerous criticisms from public, no one (any enterprise or government agency) can immune from it, including sheet metal manufacturers. When rethinking problems, we should find out the solutions of solving these problems, thus we can give back a blue sky to public.

Sheet metal is a traditional manufacturing industry, because of the lack of environmental protection in the past, with years of development which has cause serious pollution to environment. Now with increase of public environmental awareness, every sheet metal fabrication companies pursue to go green, and pursue sustained development, but this is just beginning, there are a lot challenges and difficulties in the future which need us to overcome, only we should overcome the difficulties rather than wilt in facing the difficulties, then sheet metal industry will revitalize and we can create glory again.

But always, it is not easy for sheet metal manufacturers, first of all, some of the old equipment have to be replaced by advanced machines, because old machines have poor performance, in addition, the safety is poor too. Secondly, the system of recycling and management for used equipment should be built, thus the used equipment will be treated effectively and properly. Thirdly, new technology should be researched and developed, so that we can use resource effectively and reduce the waste. By only keeping improve step by step, we will revitalize sheet metal industry, for steel plate fabrication, machining, and welding steel structure too, and we will defeat hazy weather.

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