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Development status of China sheet metal processing industry

Stamping and sheet metal production involve many fields of manufacturing industry. In recent years, with China becoming the world's manufacturing center and consumption power, as one of the basic industries of manufacturing industry, stamping and sheet metal industry has also made unprecedented development. At present, China's equipment manufacturing industry is large but not strong, and its distribution is uneven,the backward heavy equipment manufacturing industry is distributed in the three northeastern provinces, while the new sheet metal equipment manufacturers and processing enterprises are distributed in the Yangtze River Delta and the Pearl River Delta along the coast, and it just started, it is difficult to meet the domestic market demand. In the next 5-10 years, equipment manufacturing industry will still be one of the main industries in China, sheet metal equipment manufacturing industry is one of the important.

The promotion of sheet metal processing industry is the most comprehensive ability to reflect the development of a country's machinery manufacturing industry, the development of the industry is the embodiment of the overall quality of China's economic development. It has been many years since China joined the World Trade Organization, but at present, the sheet metal processing industry in China is still fragmented industry, the emerging national industry has just started and its scale is very small. Industry integration and overall technological upgrading can cope with the impact of foreign enterprises, ensuring that national industries have a place in the competition. In the next 5-10 years, in addition to expanding the scale to meet domestic demand, China's sheet metal manufacturers also need to integrate production and supply and demand on the advanced Internet, in order to be invincible, in order to provide faster and better preparation for Overseas development.


Overall industry size analysis

With the rise of China's manufacturing industry, China's sheet metal production industry has developed rapidly. According to the Foresight Industry Research Institute's "Analysis Report on Market Demand Forecasting and Transformation and Upgrading of Sheet Metal Processing Industry", as early as 2012, the industry has more than 30,000 manufacturers (workshops), 2 million employees, the total weight of annual production of sheet metal parts is 42 million tons, in the 2016, the sales of sheet metal products about 688.5 billion yuan. But generally speaking, China's sheet metal processing industry started late, the scale of the industry is generally small, lack of production technicians, it is difficult to form the core competitiveness for China’s sheet metal manufacturers, and market competition is becoming increasingly fierce, so they do not have the strength to compete with international multinational companies.


Sales scale of China's sheet metal processing industry in 2009-2016 years (unit: 100 million yuan)

Economic benefit analysis of industry

At present, on the whole, the economic benefits of China's sheet metal manufacturers are better, the profits of many enterprises in the industry are more than 20%. Sheet metal processing industry mainly for automotive, shipbuilding, precision machine tools, precision instruments, communications electronics and elevator industries to do ancillary processing, and most of the partners are large foreign companies (GE, BOSCH, OTIS). With the further deepening and lasting cooperation, Chinese enterprises have learned advanced technology, strict and standardized production environment, production process and other management experience, as a result, the key components and key technologies are gradually localized, so the procurement of key components from overseas manufacturers by foreign-funded enterprises is reduced accordingly, also the production cost of foreign companies is reduced.


At the same time, these enterprises also do matching processing for domestic manufacturers, and it can enable local manufacturers to obtain the corresponding key technologies, thereby improving the performance and quality of products made by domestic enterprises. At present, there are not many high-precision sheet metal products manufactures in China, so in a certain region, focusing on the development of high-quality sheet metal processing industry, providing complete processing services to both domestic and foreign manufacturing enterprises can not only promote the overall development of China's machinery manufacturing industry, but also drive the regional economy to achieve new leaps and bounds, while ensuring the economic benefits of enterprises.


As China becomes more and more the world's processing and manufacturing center, and with increasing foreign investment, the demand for metalworking capacity is increasing, and the electrical control box, machine shell and so on are generally sheet metal parts, so the demand for sheet metal processing capacity is constantly improving. In addition, as far as sheet metal processing is concerned, sheet metal processing enterprises usually need a variety of mechanical equipment to meet different technological requirements, and sheet metal punching accuracy is generally around (+) 0.1 mm, bending accuracy can generally reach (+) 0.5 mm, so compared with sheet metal processing, the accuracy is much lower. Therefore, technological advances in the industry have also brought high profits, such as sheet metal processing stamping profit margin can generally reach about 20%, and laser cutting profit is as high as 30%, but in these two years, laser cutting competition is fierce, profit has also dropped significantly.


Industry profit level and trend of change

Overall, the profit level of sheet metal processing enterprises mainly depends on product quality and processing accuracy, product and value-added services, downstream user enterprises and upstream raw material prices。Therefore, in the future, as the technical content of products is getting higher and higher, the impact of raw material price fluctuations on products will gradually ease, and the industry profit level trend is better.


At the same time, the future trend of profit level changes mainly depends on product quality and accuracy, product value-added services and downstream customer industries and other factors. Enterprises with strong technical strength, high-end customer resources, and management advantages in the industry will obtain higher profit levels in the future fierce competition.


All in all, the progress by China sheet metal industry is impressive, but there are still many challenges. Most China sheet metal manufacturers are still in the low productivity of manual workshops, and they are in fierce competing on low-grade products. If manufacturers want to meet the needs of national economic construction and participate in international competition, the sheet metal manufacturers in China must avoid vicious competition and realize differential production; Technology must be constantly updated and reformed to improve the existing process equipment. Only when the management and technology reach the high level, can the product quality be guaranteed, the quality assurance system be established and improved, the level of precision, specialization, automation and information-based manufacturing be improved, and the conditions for mass production and flexible production be achieved.

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