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Mechanical design rationalization of machining

Summary:In the context of the rapid development of society and technology, machinery is playing a more and more important role, proper use of machinery can help to improve people's work efficiency. With the development and popularization of machinery, the rationalization of machining process has been paid extensive attention, and becoming the key issue that is urgently needed to cope with at present. This article analyzes the flow of machining process; explore effective strategies for mechanical design and machining based on rationalization of mechanical machining process.

Summary:Machining process; rationalization; mechanical design; manufacturing; strategy

The scope of mechanical manufacturing is gradually expanding, at the same time, the level of manufacturing process has been greatly improved, and it drives the economic development. The competition is also increasingly fierce, mechanical manufacturing industry in order to win its own competitive advantage, mechanical industry need to pay more attention to the manufacturing process, and continuous improvement and optimization are necessary, the level of mechanical design and machining process should be surely improved, so as to promote the better development of China's machinery manufacturing industry.


1. A summary of the process of mechanical manufacturing process

1.1 Production link

Mechanical manufacturing is actually to processes the raw materials and semi-finished products through manual labor and machinery to realize the finished product. In this link, preparation for manufacturing should be carried out, such as purchase of raw materials, transportation and the use of mechanical tools and so on, and in the specific production link, the size and shape of products and so on should also be properly adjusted, for example, when the personal carry on the process of machining work, they must strictly follow the process instruction and the related procedure, at the same time, the size of the machined parts should be adjusted, and control the quality, thus to manufacture the qualified parts.


1.2 The clamping of the parts

In the early stage of the final assembly of the machinery, all parts have to be machined firstly. Machined parts are put in the jig or on the base bed, and position shall be stabilized, then adjust the part position precisely and keep part positioned and fixed during machining. Because processing directly affects the quality of machinery manufacturing, therefore, the clamping fixed and stability of the parts must be ensure, no mistake shall happen, otherwise, it will cause the safety and quality of machinery manufacturing.


1.3 mechanical positioning

Why machinery manufacturing requires high quality for parts process, the reason is that improve the overall quality of the machinery. The requirement of mechanical positioning is to meet the requirements of accuracy of parts machining, it includes 3 aspects: 1) Choose right position base according to the actual condition of the parts. 2) Positioning the machining tools and workpiece, make the points, lines and surfaces in a plane. 3) Setting datum point accurately and selecting datum line, and determine the datum surface to achieve scientific and effective positioning.


1.4 Machining precision

Machining accuracy is a key part in mechanical manufacturing; it is also the key purpose in the specific work, it is directly related to the quality of the workpiece and the function of the product. It mainly express the four levels ,which includes dimensions, shape, position and surface quality, reasonable methods should be used to guarantee the actual accuracy of different levels, and to improve the precision of machining. The more common methods are adjustment and trial cutting, in the specific manufacturing condition, reasonable choices should be made according to specific conditions to ensure the overall machining quality.


2. Strategy of mechanical design and manufacture based on rationalization of mechanical manufacturing process

2.1Building up complete design plan

After the parts are finished, the whole surface quality of the parts is affected mainly through the microscopic irregularity of surface. For many mechanical parts, if the surface quality of the parts does not conform to the actual specification, the performance of its application will be greatly affected; it even affects the function and safety. In the actual design link, a complete design plan should be built up and attention should be paid to the surface quality of parts. In the process of machining link, it is necessary to choose a right cutter according to characteristics of parts, try to select a cuter with a smaller end cutting edge angle and a larger radius of circular profile of cutter point, by this way, the surface microcosmic unevenness can be effectively controlled. Appropriate machining condition should be selected during the process design link, Select the appropriate cutting speed based on specific materials to ensure the surface quality of parts.


2.2 improve the precision of processing

With the continuous popularization and application of mechanical equipment, the types of use are increasing. If there is a big deviation in the mechanical machining process, it will lead to some malpractices in mechanical equipment and affect its safety. The proper design of machinery is needed; studies the factors cause the deviation, and study the effective coping style, take necessary measures to reduce the deviation, so that the accuracy of parts cab be improved. At the same time, in the process of mechanical manufacturing, there is important correlation between the precision of part with machining tools, it requires to use advanced and standardized tools to carry out measurement work, so as to ensure the accuracy of manufacturing and as well as the overall process quality.


2.3 Optimization of design technology

With the continuous development of society and economy, the concept of green production has also been promoted and applied. The concept of green production goes into different fields, and at the same time, it needs to be effectively applied and valued in the machinery manufacturing industry, If mechanical equipment fails to meet the requirements of environmental protection, it will directly reduce the competitiveness of products. In the process of mechanical manufacturing and processing, the corresponding mechanical design and manufacture should be carried out on the basis of the concept of green production, and enhance environmental awareness so as to achieve higher economic and social benefits.

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