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Is there any future for working in the

The reason why we are not optimistic about the machining industry on the Internet is simple:

1.Mechanical processing industry is not a sunrise industry of "high technology"

The working environment of the mechanical processing factory is poor, the hands are greasy, the work is boring, the safety accidents occur from time to time, and the education level of the employees in the industry is generally low. Compared with the financial, Internet, cultural and entertainment industries, it is not eye-catching.

2.The industry is slow to produce results and the promotion of employees is slow

To do machining, you need to learn a lot of professional knowledge, such as CNC programming, machine tool operation / maintenance, drawing reading, editing process, tool selection, testing, etc. all of these require very professional knowledge, and you must have many years of study and training to be competent. In addition, there are many abnormal events to be handled in daily work, for example, the cutter is broken, the faucet is broken, and there are always knife marks on the surface of the workpiece. Every day there are countless difficult and miscellaneous problems waiting for you to solve. From an apprentice to an experienced master, it is impossible to learn in a few years. It takes years of study and exercise.

Is this really the case? Things should be viewed in two ways
1. China's manufacturing industry is shaking off the impression of "dirty, disorderly and poor"
 With the rapid development of China for decades, there are many machining and manufacturing enterprises with standardized management, advanced equipment and high staff quality in Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Guangdong, Jiangsu and other coastal areas. Most of them are concentrated in auto parts, precision electronic components, medical and other industries. The hardware environment of these factories and the construction of enterprise culture are very good. In the view of these enterprises, China's manufacturing industry has long left the impression of "dirty, disorderly and poor". In view of the characteristics of the heat treatment, casting and welding industries, if we do not pay attention to environmental management and improvement, it is indeed a typical representative of "dirty, disorderly and bad". In fact, the trend of environmental protection in recent years also targets these enterprises. On the whole, the state has done nothing wrong.

2.    The slow achievement is due to China's special national conditions. In fact, skilled technical personnel still have a bright future in the future.
 China's industrial categories are very complete, the industrial chain is very long, and there are many upstream and downstream links in the machining and manufacturing industry. Automation can not fully meet the needs of some industries, especially in the machinery and equipment manufacturing industry, which requires a large number of professional and technical workers. This fundamentally determines that China's manufacturing industry needs a large number of skilled and experienced workers. However, the reality is that with the rapid development of China's industry and the lagging training of skilled workers by the state, most of China's processing and manufacturing enterprises cannot recruit skilled and experienced workers, resulting in the low quality of workers in many enterprises. For those young and inexperienced workers, there are too many lessons to make up, and many of them need to learn from scratch. The improvement is not so fast. It requires workers to persist in learning and constantly improve themselves. After all, they will immediately "stand out" and become qualified professional and technical personnel. It's easy to find a high paying job in China's large processing industry.

3.    The state attaches great importance to the traditional manufacturing industry, but it needs a process to make China's machinery manufacturing industry reach the level of developed countries.

In order to revitalize China's machinery manufacturing industry, the state has actually been continuously investing and planning. In the "made in China 2025" plan, the major special projects of CNC machine tools, strong foundation projects, and the recently announced major equipment projects of short plates are included. The investment seems to be a lot, but it is a drop in the bucket to invest in China's huge industrial system. Especially compared with the rapid development of real estate, finance, Internet and other industries, the machinery manufacturing industry seems to receive less attention. Moreover, the recent closure of some state-owned manufacturing enterprises has brought many negative effects to the industry.

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